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Vendor Curation

Vendor Curation


Vendor applications are now open. Click HERE

In the five years of its existence, EatDrinkFestival has proven to be a fertile environment for local culinary entrepreneurs to grow and meet new audiences.

The Festival aims to promote vendors who show adventure and ingenuity with their creations. The team seeks food service providers, who, individually or as a collective, will offer a unique menu, prepare meals quickly, and operate self-sufficiently.

Vendors will find that, beyond the sales, EatDrinkFestival is a more than effective marketing tool for their respective businesses. Goodwill generated from recent editions has had significant positive impact on participants year-round. Participants also have the opportunity to key into pre-event promotion and further gain more exposure from participation.

We review vendor applications based on our three core principles:


1. Performance Factor

2. Unique

3. Price Point